New Desire Christian Ministries would like to take this time to wish you all a Happy New Year. God has been so good to this ministry for many years and we praise Him for all things.
Dan and I want to personally thank you all for your love, prayers and support throughout the years. Without all of you we could not go and spread the Gospel as God has compelled us to do. Words are not enough to express our appreciation and our hearts. With all of that said I will start with the GOOD NEWS FIRST!!!
So many of you have helped us pray for both New Desire stateside and Honduras. Y’all have joined with us as we have waited on God and prayed fervently for a pastor for our Church in Honduras. YOUR/OUR prayers have been answered.
Dan and I were so excited to FaceTime with our new pastor on December 30,2018 and talk with him about taking the position as our full time pastor at New Desire Church, Honduras. He and his family had been praying for several months about this as we had been praying with them. We wanted to make sure he was the one God had chosen to Shepherd the flock and lead the congregation. He gladly with peace accepted the pastoral position. His full time position will officially start in the pulpit on Sunday, January 6, 2019.
Therefore, we would like to introduce to all of you and welcome our pastor, Miguel and Lordes Chavarria, and his family to full time service in NDCM, Honduras. They have 3 children. Miguel is a native to Honduras and has served in law enforcement throughout the country. Miquel and his family have been attending New Desire Church for approximately 2 years. He has been serving as minister of music for over a year. He is truly a man of God and his passion to serve is evident in all he does. Y’all please make sure to welcome Miguel and his family to New Desire through encouraging comments. We are so excited to see what God has in store for our church and the community of La Ermita, Honduras.
Now for the SAD NEWS!!!!! It is never easy to adapt to change. We all like things to roll along without any changes. However, change is inevitable and it must take place in every area of our lives. With that being said,! it is with sad hearts that we received and accept Kim Pate and Jessica Guinn Luque’s resignations. This comes with great sadness to all of us in New Desire. There has been so much effectiveness in the service of these missionaries to Honduras. According to Kim’s resignation as New Desire’s Director of Missions, Kim’s dream is to have her own mission is now becoming a reality. We appreciate all the hard work and labor Kim has put in and we pray the very best for her as she moves forward. There are not words to express our love for this fine leader.
Jessica and Misael Lugue feel their time is up to serve in New Desire as they prepare to start a family. They will be relocating to the town of Talanga, Honduras. That is only a few miles from our Mission so maybe we will see them around. We pray the very best for this sweet family and pray God’s blessings upon them. They have been an asset to New Desire as well as to Kim as they served together under New Desire Christian Ministries, Inc. We can’t thank them enough for their faithful service to God. Our hearts are saddened but at the same time we must move forward and continue the work of God in both the states and in Honduras.
We ask for your prayers for financial support and for the transition as we make the proper arrangements to fill Kim’s position. Our heart is to let the people of this community know that New Desire will continue on daily as we have for four years. We have missionaries and now a pastor who will be by our side every day as we continue with the feeding program as well as our usual activities. We will continue with bringing teams in to serve, build and minister to the people. If you have a team and are interested in coming.... please contact the ministry office at 770 684 8987.
Ministry is hard and demanding but worth everything you have to face to see souls saved and lives changed. Please be in prayer with us and continue to partner with us to make sure this mission and ministry can supply the needs of the people both far and near.
Dan and I and all of the staff and Board members of New Desire would like to thank all of you for standing with us and serving by our side for 29 years in ministry.