I have had so many people to ask me, “What is wrong with Christians today?” They say, “My husband was so on fire for God, and I don’t know what happened.” “My daughter was so active as a Christian, but now she is out in the world on drugs.” “My pastor was found in adultery.” The list could go on.
The only answer I can give them is this: they have lost the fear of The Lord. Satan and their flesh is seeking for bigger, better, more. They contaminate their intimacy with Christ by going their own way. It is a way and path that leads to destruction. They are not enduring through their test.
The fear of the Lord should always be at the forefront of every thought, action and decision of our lives. Where there is no fear of God, there will always be wrong thinking, detrimental decisions, and broken, shattered testimonies. The Scripture says, “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” The word ‘fear’ implies literal fear, a moral and spiritual reverence. If we possess this we will endure forever.
People, we as Christians have conformed so much to the world’s standards that we have lost the most important asset that a Christian can possess. The fear of the Lord!!! It is clean (pure and fair). It keeps us accountable as we heed to the conviction that it brings forth our lives. It keeps us on the straight and narrow when our flesh wants to act upon its lust. The fear of the Lord keeps us ever-mindful of His mercies and how new they are every morning.
From my heart to yours, I want to encourage you to fear the Lord. Remember, a Father chastens those He loves. If we fear Him then He will give us the strength to endure forever, regardless of what comes your way.
I Just Love Jesus,
Dr. Brenda J. Robinson