Job 23:10 "But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."
These are the words of righteous Job. Faced with a life of total loss and adversity, Job still held to God's unchanging hand. I'm sure in his time of trouble it was hard for Job to make such a statement as we found in our Scripture text. The power behind such words, the source of his patience and endurance, was his faith and trust in God.
Job's flesh was just as weak as yours and mine. He was confused and down on himself and tired of the battel and the false accusations of those who were supposed to be his friends. He was a man full of sorrow with a mind full of questions. Job sought the Lord for answers and searched himself for sin and disobedience. He professed to be nothing more than a man of bitter complaint and full of trouble.
Job knew that only God could save him from the trenches of life. He was a man who feared God, and this manifested his knowledge and wisdom of God. Job 28:28 says, "And unto man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom: and to depart from evil is understanding."
Friend, does your life reflect these same symptoms? Do you find yourself in the midst of uncontrollable circumstances? Are you questioning God's purpose and your position with Him? Are you wondering where God is in your circumstances? Are you wondering what happened to the good old days, when your life was trouble free and joyous? Do you feel in your heart that you will come forth as gold?
God knows the way you take, just as He knew the ways Job took. From my heart to yours I encourage you: Trust Him in your circumstances, and know you will come forth as gold.
I Just Love Jesus,
Dr. Brenda J. Robinson